LimeBook in a nutshell

  1. LimeBook is a web application available through web browsers on any device with Internet access.
  2. LimeBook is flexible and quick to configure. This means that it can be adapted to the processes in your organization in full compliance with applicable law and internal compliance.
  3. LimeBook will support you and your organization in process management. It will help in transferring information, facilitate cooperation in a team, provide clear reports and many other useful tools. All of this requires an affordable monthly subscription.

What processes do we support?


supports the management of visits of guests and contractors


supports the training of guests, contractors and employees

work permits

supports the preparation
of work permits


supports the incidents reporting

Remote registration of visits (notification) via the link sent in the e-mail invitation
Functionality that saves time and helps to maintain a sanitary regime. You can create an invitation with a few clicks which the LimeBook system will send to the visitor so that he or she can complete all the formalities related to the visit before coming to your organization.
Notifying the guardian (host) about the arrival of a guest / contractor
The e-mail / SMS notification system built into the application will notify the inviting persons about the arrival of guests and contractors at the right time.
Generating an evacuation list
One click is enough for the LimeBook application to generate the current evacuation list. If the procedures provide such an option, it can also send it to the indicated e-mail addresses.
Convenient GDPR service
LimeBook enables personal data inspectors to handle requests provided for in the Personal Data Protection Regulation in a convenient way.
Printing of personal passes
LimeBook is integrated with thermal printers commonly used for printing labels and visiting cards. Thanks to this, visitors moving around the organization's premises can be easily identified by security personnel.
Automation of registration of large groups
The ability to import documents with a notification list facilitates the registration of large groups of visitors. LimeBook allows you to automatically read lists made in the EXCEL format and add them to the notification list.
Generating entry and exit reports
You can create any report you need in the LimeBook application in less than 30 seconds and, if necessary, you can export it to an EXCEL file.
Unlimited access to the terminal for self-registration of personal data
The registration terminal is an application that allows visitors to register their data on their own. Running on a kiosk, tablet or all-in-one computer, it will relieve security staff and shorten the registration time.
Controlled access to the application for external work coordinators
Organizatorom prac z firm zewnętrznych możesz udzielić ograniczonego dostępu do aplikacji LimeBook. Dzięki temu będą mogli organizować wejścia i wyjścia swoich pracowników wykonujących pracę na rzecz Twojej organizacji. You can grant third-party work organizers limited access to LimeBook. Thanks to this, they will be able to organize the entry and exit of their employees performing work for your organization.
Access to all system functions on mobile devices
All functionalities of the LimeBook Guest Book application are available through an easy-to-use mobile interface which allows you to operate it on a smartphone.
Possibility of remote training of guests and contractors via the link sent in the invitation
Creating an invitation and selecting the appropriate trainings is enough for the guest or contractor to be trained and informed about the dangers on the day of their visit. The invitation e-mail sent by the LimeBook system will redirect to the training which visitors can see remotely at any time, place and on any device.
Unlimited access to the training terminal
The training terminal is an application that runs on any generally available device and supports OHS services in conducting training. Visitors using the easy-to-use interface can see the video material, presentations, trainings, tests and exams prepared for them.
Training of large groups with the option of importing a list of names
Keeping records of training courses for large groups of subcontractors involves the need to enter long lists of names. Thanks to the option of importing data from EXCEL files, the entire process can be carried out with just a few clicks.
Full control over the validity of training
The LimeBook application automatically checks the validity of the training of your guests and contractors and then notifies you about a lack of them or their expiry.
Basic and optional training for particularly hazardous works
Trainings in the LimeBook system are assigned to the roles played by visitors. Thanks to this, you can easily manage trainings for guests and external employees performing particularly hazardous works.
Controlled access to the application for external work coordinators
You can grant third-party work organizers limited access to the LimeBook application. Thanks to this, they will be able to organize training for their employees who work for your organization.
Access to all system functions on mobile devices
All functionalities of the LimeBook Guest Book application are available through an easy-to-use mobile interface, which allows you to operate it on a smartphone.
Supporting the process of issuing work permits in accordance with procedures
LimeBook will support any process of issuing work permits, regardless of the number of people participating in it and the levels of approval.
Possibility of cooperation of many users according to permissions
Each participant of the process is granted rights that give him or her access only to the information he or she needs at a given moment. The permissions concern creating new permits, viewing, editing and accepting.
Tracking the progress of the process based on the status system
A status is the current state of your document. A well-structured flow of statuses will help you track the progress of the processes supported by the LimeBook application.
Possibility to send SMS / e-mail notifications to process participants with information about the need to complete information, accept / reject a document, etc.
LimeBook is equipped with an e-mail / SMS notification system, which will send a ‘call to action’ notification to the right participant in the process at the time you choose.
Enabling the participation of employees of external companies in the process of issuing documents to the extent consistent with their rights
If for some reason you want a person from outside the organization to actively participate in the process of issuing work permits, LimeBook gives you this option without the need to create a new user account. All you need to do is define the permissions and send a trusted co-worker a link with access to the part of the application where he or she will be able to carry out his or her tasks from now on.
Possibility of introducing your own document templates into the system
You can enter any document templates into the LimeBook application, including those you are using now.
Control tools related to the acceptance of work and handing over a workplace
LimeBook allows you to implement automated actions related to the control of the position after completion of work. In the case of, for example, fire-hazardous work, it may be an SMS notification to the security officer with a request to check a specific position, sent 2 hours after the completion of work and a request to mark it in the system.
System for the evaluation of work, subcontractors and companies that delegate them
You can conduct a detailed assessment of the way your contractors work in LimeBook. All you have to do is define the criteria in which you want to evaluate it. After collecting the data, the system will generate a summary of the grades in the form of a report.
Possibility to transfer documents to another person
A small but very useful function that allows you to transfer the responsibility for the work carried out to the next shift.
Ability to generate reports
You can prepare a readable report from all the data collected in the system, which you can then export to EXCEL.
Ability to browse the document archive
LimeBook gives you unlimited access to all historic documents created in the system from the beginning of using the system.
Ability to work on a mobile device
All functionalities of the LimeBook system are fully available in an interface adapted to mobile devices.
Szybkie przygotowywanie zgłoszeń
LimeBook daje każdemu posiadaczowi smartfona lub innego urządzenia mobilnego możliwość zgłaszania incydentów, wypadków oraz wydarzeń związanych z bezpieczeństwem, oraz dowolnych odstępstw od standardów bezpieczeństwa, środowiskowych i jakościowych.
Automatyczne delegowanie zadań korekty
O każdym zarejestrowanym w systemie LimeBook odstępstwie od standardu może zostać w automatyczny sposób poinformowana osoba, której zadaniem będzie korekta odstępstwa.
Generowanie zestawień statystycznych
Statystyki lokalizacji i częstości zgłoszeń pozwalają na minimalizację wydarzeń potencjalnie niebezpiecznych i optymaliza- cję zarządzania opartego o dane.
Generowanie raportów i szybkie udostępnianie ich współpracownikom
Limebook pozwala na wygenerowanie “w locie” gotowego do wysłania raportu. Bez niepotrzebnej zwłoki, Ty i Twoi współpracownicy będziecie mogli podjąć działania zapobiegające incydentom i wypadkom.
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